Friday, November 21, 2008

Spire Mountain - Dark & Dry Apple Cider

Another week, another awesome cider.  The Aspall cider I reviewed last week is a tough act to follow, but I lucked out by finding Spire Mountain Dark & Dry apple cider.  This is a brand I have never heard of or seen before, probably because it is brewed locally, in Olympia, not too far from Tacoma.  Spire Mountain Ciders make three different types of cider: Pear Cider, Apple Cider, and Dark & Dry Apple Cider.  My local market did not have their regular Apple Cider in stock but they did have the Pear Cider, and of course, the Dark & Dry cider that I have before me now.  The the label of this cider was immediately intriguing.  It says that molasses and brown sugar are used as a sweeteners.  Clearly this is the case, as you can see in the picture the cider is indeed quite dark.  After the first taste, I can tell that the cider is also pretty sweet, and not all that dry, betraying the claims on its label.  Nonetheless, at first taste, I like it.  The brown sugar and molasses ingredients make for a very unique flavor, a flavor unlike other ciders I have tried.  The apple flavor still comes through nicely, and is very tart.  My favorite part about this cider is its aftertaste.  Very awesome, with a touch of molasses.   

I would have to say that this cider is hard to compare against other ciders I have tried.  I do like it though, and I would recommend it, but not to a first-time cider drinker, because its taste is much different than most ciders one would come across.  I paid $3.19 for a 22oz bottle of this cider, and that seems to be a pretty good value to me.  --On par with many other ciders of this size.  I would have scored this cider a bit higher, but I feel that it really could be much better if it was less sweet and more dry.  I give Spire Mountain Dark & Dry Apple Cider an 8 out of 10.  

Price Paid: $3.19
ALC content:  5%
Final Score:  8/10

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Aspall -Dry- English Draft Cider

Its been a while since I have reviewed any ciders, and I'm sorry thats the case.  Since my last post I've relocated from the Los Angeles area to Washington state.  Its nice up here, but cold and rainy, and I cannot think of anything I'd rather be doing than drinking cider.  


Aspall Dry English Draft Cider.  I have been meaning to try this cider for some time, but the high price tag has scared me off once or twice.  I finally broke down and purchased a bottle, and I am glad that I did.  I'm very impressed.  After the fist sip it is obvious that this is a cider to be taken seriously.  Immediately I notice that this is cider is different that the other ciders I have tasted, as it is very champagne-like and possesses an excellent balance of dryness and sweetness.  The flavor is very clean and not overpowering.  I immediately enjoy this cider, and this cider gets even better as I approach finishing the bottle.  

Aspall is imported from England, and according to the website, has been milled in Suffolk for eight generations.  The cider is a blend of multiple apple types, with "Cox for sweetness, Bramley for acidity and apple aroma, and finally, a combination of bittersweet apples to give a heady perfume, body and depth of finish."  Eight generations of cider making has payed off.  

First, let me say, that if price is no object, I highly, highly, recommend this cider.  How does this compare to ACE brand Honey Apple cider (my benchmark)?  As far a scoring goes, I give Aspall Dry English Daft Cider a 9/10.  Actually, I give it a 9.5/10.  I appreciate the fact that is is not too sweet, nor too dry, unlike that Ace Honey Apple cider which is a little on the sweet side.  But, compared to my benchmark ACE cider, Aspall is kind of unmemorable.  Unlike ACE, its flavor is not particularly distinct.  Furthermore, it is not a particularly good value at $6.50 a bottle.  --That said, at 6.8% Alcohol content it packs a serious punch.  Overall, Aspall is a connoisseurs cider, and I certainly am curious to try other ciders made by this company.  

P.S.  This cider has an awesome, clean, aftertaste.  

price paid: $6.50 for 500ml bottle.  
6.8% ALC