Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Cider: Hornsby's "Amber Draft" and "Crisp Apple"

I entered Bottle Barn with high expectations.  Around Santa Rosa, Bottle Barn is the place to go to if you're after a wide selection of beers and wines but don't want to go to BevMo.  My high expectations would have been met if I had gone there for beer or wine.  But I didn't, I went there for cider.  I've been catching some flak lately for drinking cider, but I think its really great.  I love apple juice, and I love alcohol, but I don't always feel like drinking beer.  Anyhow, to everybody who says cider is for wimps and the British, I say 'whatever.'  I like cider.  Anyhow, Bottle Barn does not have a great cider selection, and in retrospect, I'm not sure why I thought that they would.  They had four or five different brands.  Before I go any further, let me just say that I am new to the cider game, and have strictly been a beer drinker until about two weeks ago when I decided to experiment in other areas.  -Point being that I have only tried two cider bands to date.  This time, I settled on Hornsby's Hard Cider, because I liked the picture on the bottle, and the name sounded important.  I bought both Hornsby's "Amber Draft," and "Crisp Apple" varieties.  Here are my thoughts on each of these ciders.  

Hornsby's Amber Draft:  
Price Paid $5.99 for a six pack
ALC 6.0%
Like the name (and picture on the bottle) says, Hornsby's Amber Draft is made from red apples, and is supposed to be Hornsby's driest cider.  Well, this cider did not live up to the picture on the bottle.  It wasn't great.  It wasn't horrible either, its just that it kind of tastes mildly like everclear and apple juice.   Or maybe a little like rubbing alcohol.  But these flavors aren't overpowering, and are just a bit unpleasant.  Oh, and the aftertaste is kind of vinegary, but not in a good way.  Its drinkable, but not something I would buy again.  Not too much else to say about Hornsby's "Amber Draft".  I give this cider a 4/10.  

Hornsby's Crisp Apple
Price Paid $5.99 for six.
ALC 5.5%
Fortunately, Hornsby's redeems itself with its Crisp Apple variety.  Hornsby's Crisp Apple is lighter in color than the Amber Draft, but its packed with flavor.  Good flavor.  It really tastes like you're biting into a crisp apple.  A fermented crisp apple.  I could drink this stuff all day.  Well, probably not, because I'd be drunk after six or seven of these.  But I'd gladly be drunk off of six or seven, because the awesome green apple flavor really comes through on this cider.  This cider isn't nearly as dry as Hornsby's Amber Draft, although its a teeny bit dry, and the sweetness is the same.  I suppose that either of the Hornsby's ciders are about as sweet as normal apple juice would be.  Anyhow, I thoroughly enjoy the Hornsby's Crisp Apple variety, and would buy it again.  I give this cider a 7 out of 10.  

In this last picture, you can see the difference in color between the Amber Draft and Crisp Apple varities.